The Employer Identification Number; It is the number one must-have for every business that will operate in US. EIN identifies the company to complete its federal filings, and to open bank accounts.
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EIN provided
ITIN provided
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No, you don’t have to have a company in the US to get an EIN. It is enough to have a business activity.
No, contrary to the general belief, you do not have to have an ITIN to get an EIN. It is the total opposite, in order to get an ITIN, you have to have an EIN.
No, you do not have to have an SSN to get an EIN.
Yes, you can get an EIN even if you are not a US citizen.
EIN is a tax identification number for employers. For ITIN, it is an Individual Tax Identification Number for people who have business activities in the US but are not US citizens.
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