ITIN or Individual Tax Identification Number; It is a type of individual tax identification number for people who do not have an SSN. ITIN helps you open a U.S. bank account, open a Paypal, Stripe, or Amazon account, file a tax return, and get your credit score.
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EIN provided
ITIN provided
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Yes, If you are running a business activity and therefore need an ITIN, you must have a company in the USA.
Yes, to get an ITIN, you must have an EIN.
No, technically, it can be said that "ITIN will replace SSN for you".
Yes, you can have an ITIN even if you are not a US citizen.
EIN is a tax identification number for Employers. For ITIN, it is an individual tax identification number for people who have business activities in the US but are not US citizens and therefore do not have an SSN.
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